Why delay enjoyment of the fullness of Grace? And, "What does this Grace look like?" Grace appears as magical, yet ordinary; this is to say, Grace appears in the appearing of just this, just now. Grace has no preference, whether a diamond or a grain of sand, a teardrop or an ocean. Grace, being heaven, is absolutely wonderful, for absolutely ordinary.
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A man walking in the village saw his spiritual Teacher standing alone and staring at the ground. He wondered what the Teacher was doing. He walked up to his Teacher, asking, "Teacher, what are you doing?" "I'm just starring in amazement at the beauty of heaven." "But," said the disciple, "I don't see heaven there, only dirt." "You will someday," affirmed the Teacher. "And," asked the disciple, "when shall that be?" "When heaven is in you."
Many persons share a firm conviction that after the body dies they, and those like them, will go somewhere else to live in a place they call heaven. Yet, it appears, they are totally missing seeing it here, now. I wonder, "How shall a being who cannot enjoy the heaven now being offered, just because of the body dying, enjoy it later someplace else? Is physical death an essential for admission to a heaven? Is there an afterlife, or only life? Is heaven a place outside oneself, like the neighborhood one lives in now, only a much better place, even the most best place possible, especially for only a certain species of persons will be there ~ the few who did what had to be done to be admitted to there, like an exclusive got-it-right club?"
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Who we truly are, most deeply, knows where heaven is. "Where is that?" Where is heaven not, when heaven is all one can see?